I want to build a hardware circuit that can control the frequency and amplitude of motors. I have a few questions about this.
1) What kind of actuator do I need to use? I have used ERM motors and the frequency and the amplitude changes together with different voltages. What kind of actuators and drivers do I need to use to control the frequency and amplitude (varying frequency with the constant amplitude or varying the amplitude with the constant frequency).
2) How can I control the actuator? I looked into some datasheets about LRA and tactors, but I couldn't find how to control their vibrations. Please leave a link or some comments about how to use the actuator in the question 1. (Using Arduino or other microcontrollers).
3) I have used other ERM motors for other project (e.g. the motor in this link. http://www.adafruit.com/product/1201). Is there any actuator that I can control the frequency and amplitude as described in question 1 with the small size like the motor in the link?