The depletion mosfet can also operate in enhancement mode when the gate voltage is positive (say for depletion type NMOS).
My question is :
Will the Shockley equation be still valid in the enhancement mode? or Should we use the equations of enhancement NMOS?
Moreover, if i am driving the depletion type MOS to a an enhancement type MOS under a constant drain source voltage (Vds), say for example:
In the above case, Vgs is positive and the depletion type MOS is in enhancement mode also Vds > gate voltage ,Does that mean the Depletion MOS is in saturation region of the enhancement mode?
If i neglect Vds here and use current equations of NMOS enhancement type , i get:
Resistance =500 ohms.
But am confused about whether its correct or not and if that's the case why should i neglect Vds ?