I would like to load a background image which I currently have saved as a .bmp into the DE2-115's SDRAM. I would then like to display this background image on a VGA-monitor (640x480). I will then be drawing additional images overlaid to this background image.
I am using NIOS II by the way.
I have implemented games using a VGA controller such as brick breaker but they simply had solid colors which I would draw in .sv code quite easily.
If I want to draw this .bmp to the monitor what steps should I take? Should I draw it from software in C or from hardware using a vga controller and reading from memory? Lastly how should I upload the .bmp to the SDRAM?
Thank you.
UPDATE!!: I should probably explain more of the project. So I'm trying to develop a texas hold em game. The fixed background image is a poker table and in fixed locations on the table I want to overlay the card's of 2 players, as well as the 5 common cards. The poker table will be a .bmp as well as each card. Based on the current game we will be displaying different cards. We will have to display several cards at once.
So effectively what I wanted to know is how I should deal with displaying all of the above for a given game. I have the game all setup, I know just have to determine how I will store all these .bmp's in memory and read them and display them during a game. I have a VGA controller setup and a color mapper but they were used for a brick breaker game which didn't require reading from memory for drawing.