I have tried to solve this problem for a very long time and keep getting the wrong answer but am absolutely baffled at this point what I have wrong.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
My equations are as follows.
vcvs1 = (I2-I1)(-j300)
Loop1: 9+600-j300)I1+j300I2 = 0
Loop2: 2(I2-I1)(-j300)+(-j300)I2+300I2-300I3+j300I1 = 0
Loop3: -1+300I3 - 300I2 = 0
Then (-1)/I3 = Rth
The answer should be 247angle(-16 degree)
But this does not work out to that at all it's something around 90.
Am I just getting something simple wrong?