I disagree with the accepted answer that "XNOR performs equality operation is a by-product". Although you cannot expect more than uninformed upvotes for this statement on a EE site (you should have really asked on Math.SE if you expected that), in math or logic contexts it is more likely to be called a biconditional (that's because equality in a logic context is equivalent with if and only if); You can find that in several math or CS textbooks which don't even mention xnor:
Others call it just equivalence:
It's usually only when you get to circuit engineering books that you usually start to encounter the xnor terminology:
Some of these engineering books call it concidence [gate] as well (or say it implements the coincidence function), although they have a preference for xnor, no doubt.
And some engineering books call it equivalence in addition to xnor
So it depends who (or where) you ask. I haven't found this written explicitly somewhere, but I think the established symbol for the xnor gate being generally used only in circuit contexts and being absent in more abstract math/logic contexts facilitates this terminology divergence. Furthermore, there are introductory logic texts that don't even mention xor [thus calling something xnor would be a big huh for the students]; for example Suppes explicitly refutes the need
to introduce a symbol for xor in his introductory logic textbook. But it's hard to discuss logic without ever getting to equivalence (iff aka biconditional).
As an aside, perhaps if Latin were Suppes' [or other logician's] first language, he/they would be more inclined to accept [something like] xor, because (quoting from Copi's textbook): "Although disjunctions are expressed ambiguously in English, they are unambiguous in Latin. ... The Latin word "vel" expresses weak or inclusive disjunction, and the Latin word "aut" corresponds to the word "or" in its strong or exclusive sense." This uniform interpretation of Latin is disputed by others though because aut in negated sentences like neo timebat tribunos aut plebes "no one feared the magistrates [x]or the mob" doesn't sound genuine with aut interpreted as xor instead of or because then you can read that as allowing for "everyone feared both the magistrates and the mob" as being possibly true.