simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
I read that for grid-tied inverters it is common to use a LCL filter like above, to turn the PWM output from the H-bridge into a sine. But I'm having trouble designing something like this.
If you'd calculate the voltage at the right end without the resistor, L2 doesn't do anything and it's just an LC filter.
If you connect it to the grid by placing another voltage source there, the question what the voltage is is moot, because it's always the voltage over the voltage source.
So I decided to place a resistive load there and find the voltage over that. But this lead to some horrible mess.
$$Z_t=\frac{j\omega L_2 R_1}{1+(j\omega)^2 L_2 C_1 + j\omega R_1 C_1}$$
$$V_{C1}=V_1 \frac{Z_t}{j\omega L_1+Z_t}$$
$$V_{R1}=V_{C1} \frac{R_1}{j\omega L_1+R_l}$$
$$V_{R1}=V_{1} \frac{j\omega L_2 R_1 + R_1^2}{(j\omega L_1)^2+(j\omega)^4 L_1^2 L_2 C_1 +(j\omega)^3 L_1^2 R_1 C_2 + j\omega L_1 R_1 + (j\omega)^3 L_1 L_2 R_1 C_1 + (j\omega)^2 L_1 R_1^2 C_1}$$
I feel like I'm missing something obvious here. Or I made some stupid mistake. Or this stuff is just hard.
[edit] I worked out the transfer function for current, as seen below. The transfer function matches the one given in equation 9 in and Figure 5 also matches what I get, for some arbitrary values.
$$\begin{align} I_2&=\frac{V_s}{j\omega L_1} \cdot \frac{\frac{j\omega L_1}{1+(j\omega)^2 L_1 C_4}}{j\omega L_2 + \frac{j\omega L_1}{1+(j\omega)^2 L_1 C_4}} \\ \frac{I_2}{V_s}&=\frac{1}{j\omega(L_1+L_2) + (j\omega)^3L_1L_2C_4}\\ H(j\omega)&=\frac{1}{\frac{j\omega}{\omega_0}+\left(\frac{j\omega}{\omega_1}\right)^3}\\ \omega_0&=\frac{1}{L_1+L_2}\\ \omega_1&=\frac{1}{\sqrt[3]{L_1L_2C_4}}\\ \left|H(j\omega)\right|&=\frac{|1|}{\left|\frac{j\omega}{\omega_0}+\left(\frac{j\omega}{\omega_1}\right)^3\right|}\\ &=\frac{1}{\frac{\omega}{\omega_0}-\left(\frac{\omega}{\omega_1}\right)^3}\\ arg(H(j\omega))&=arg(1)-arg\left(\frac{j\omega}{\omega_0}+\left(\frac{j\omega}{\omega_1}\right)^3\right) \\ &=0-arctan\left(\frac{\frac{\omega}{\omega_0}-\left(\frac{\omega}{\omega_1}\right)^3}{0}\right)\\ &=\pm \frac{\pi}{2} \end{align}$$
(The omega stuff is wrong, they never taught us to actually rewrite to standard form, but Matlab does't care. It just means I can't find the resonance frequency or draw a straight line approximation, sadly.)