I've got STM32F030F4 chips from shop, made a small breadboard adapter for it and tried to connect to its built-in bootloader via USART1.
I've failed and I'm somewhat bewildered about wiring. My current schematic is the following:
- pin 16 (VDD) to +3.3
- pin 15 (GND) to GND
- pin 1 (BOOT0) to +3.3
- pin 4 (RESET) to GND, temporarily
- pin 8 (USART1_TX) to RX of the FTDI-cable
- pin 9 (USART1_RX) to TX of the FTDI-cable
The cable I use constantly with NXP chips, so I think it is using. It also provides +3.3 volts and has LEDS to indicate TX/RX activity.
I've tried this tool http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootstm32/ after plugging the cable and temporarily applying RESET to GND.
Magically, it could not connect, though I see the TX activity LED blink...
I've rechecked datasheet and I am somewhat bewildered. There are also pins 17 and 18 for USART1 TX and RX. I've tried them also but to no avail.
Another concern is that I think this chip do not have BOOT1 pin (many manuals write about driving it low). So I assume it is not needed?
I also thought I can test with multimeter either one of pins is in strong HIGH state, which should be TX - but none is. Though probably TX is turned to output only after auto baud rate detection is completed?
What else can be wrong? I think I need not quartz for simplest schematic, yes? Thanks in advance for your hints!
UPD Solved! It appeared that VDDA should also be connected, otherwise chip is in reset state. Please see my own answer below for more details.