I'm building a 3D printer, and I want to replace my endstop switches with hall sensors instead. I've bought some NJK-5002c hall sensors from Ebay, but am unsure how I can hook them up to replace the switch.
The previous setup that I have, which works, is that each endstop uses a simple two-pole switch. When the 3D printer reaches the top it hits the button on the switch, and connection is made. The two wires from the switch is connected to two pins on a RAMPS board.
The NJK-5002c doesn't have a lot of documentation, but I've found that if I connect the brown wire to V+ (12V), and blue wire to V- then the black wire will toggle between V- and V+ when a magnet comes close to the sensor.
Now, I'm unsure how to hook this up to replace the passive switch. I'm worried that the RAMPS board will be damaged if I hook up V- and the black wire directly to the two pins on the RAMPS. What do you suggest?
Link to the item I bought.
Actually, it seems like the RAMPS 1.4 board has three pins for the endstops, and thus matches the hall sensors perfectly. The passive switches I'm using are connected to the "Endstops" pins between signal and GND, and I think that I can just plug in the NJK-5002c sensors directly to the three pins. I've connected it, and think it might work. Just need to reinstall some software tomorrow to confirm that the software detects the triggering.