I've been working on a weather station project, and I used a SIM 900 module to upload the data to a web server. Recently I started using a SIM800-DS for the same purpose and I had to rewrite the code without using the simcom HTTP stack. Here I ran into a problem with http request.
After configuring the module and connecting to the internet, I opened a TCP connection using
And then, after sending
I formed a simple GET request
GET /s64y13s6 HTTP/1.1
HOST: requestb.in
followed by a 0x1a. (I used requestb.in to test the requests).
The module responds with a SEND OK. But doesn't display the server response. ("ok"). After a while, I get this request time-out message.
HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout
Connection: close
Server: Cowboy
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 2016 20:05:07 GMT
Content-Length: 0
My question is, is there something more I have to send in order to let the server know I have finished sending the request?