Is there any way to use a single 555 chip which could be switched with a two-state switch between monostable mode (one-shot pulse of a certain width) and astable (continuous pulses of a certain width)?
Here's how I'd like it to work:
I have a two-state switch that i could set into one of the two modes of operation: astable and monostable.
- If it is in the astable mode, it generates clock pulses of a certain width automatically until I switch it to a different mode.
- If it is in the monostable mode, it waits for me to push an additional push-button called "pulse", which will generate just one clock pulse of a certain width and then return to the "wait for another push" state. In this state, I would have to release the "pulse" push-button first, and then push it once more to generate another clock pulse (to avoid generating multiple pulses at once when I push the "pulse" button for too long or if it bounces).
Is this possible to implement with just a single 555 chip?
The usual implementation schematics I found are only one or the other (either astable or bistable), but I couldn't found any schematic which could allow me to switch between those two modes of a single chip with a switch.