This site says: "To increase the gain for AC signals the emitter resistor bypass capacitor is added. This should be calculated to have a reactance equal to the emitter resistor at the lowest frequency of operation".
I assume that I have 1K ohm emitter resistor. If I added a parallel capacitor of reactance 1k ohm. The total impedance would be 0.5 K ohm.
In this case,
Should I increase the emitter resistor to be 2K and increase the reactance to be 2K so that I get 1K ohm (Which is the original value of emitter resistor before adding the bypass cap)?
Or it is ok to have an impedance of 0.5k ohm although the original value of emitter resistor is 1K?
Will a bypass capacitor affect the bias voltage of the biasing resistors?
Thank you very much,