I recently acquired an early model Vic 20 computer but don't have a power supply for it and thought I might be able to make one. The Vic 20 is the early model with the two pin AC connector - not the later model DIN plug.
From what I've read it needs 9VAC at about 3A. I'm in Australia where mains is 240VAC, so I'm looking at this transformer:
It doesn't say on that site but in their dead-tree catalog it's got two sets out secondary outputs each multi-tapped 0->9V->12V, 2.5A each.
Since I've not done much with mains, just want to check somethings:
- Wiring the two secondary 0v + 9v outputs in parallel will give 5A output - enough to power the Vic and some accessories.
- Will I need a fuse on the mains side? They recommend one on the page so I presume so.
- What sort of case would you recommend for something like this - it's just the transformer and fuse, with a mains and 9VAC leads coming out. Should the case be ventilated, plastic, metal, how to best mount the transformer etc...
- Have I missed anything?