I have a question regarding a PC register (IP in x86 lingo). In most architectures it is updated during an execution stage and thus stores an address of a next instruction to be fetched. It seemed clear to me until I started to reason about a pipelined architecture. For example, imagine the following classic RISC pipeline with 5 stages (Fetch, Decode, Execute, Memory access, Write back) which is filled with the following instructions (designated as "a", "b", "c", "d"):
c b a - -
0x12 call [0x100] ; a
0x14 mov ax, 10 ; b
0x16 add ax, 2 ; c
0x18 nop ; d <- IP
By the time an instruction "a" reaches the E (Execute) stage in the pipeline, it is already full with subsequent instructions and IP points to an instruction at address 0x18 (the next one to fetch). When "call [0x100]" executes, it saves the contents of the IP (a return address) on the stack. But it's obviously not the address of the instruction following "call [0x100]"! So, as we return from the CALL, we effectively jump over 2 instructions since pipeline is flushed during the CALL execution!
Which means that:
- There is another hidden register storing the address of the instructions being executed and it's stored on the stack instead of IP
- It doesn't work this way
- I am missing something :)