I am working on triggering LEDs from a camera for a unique exposure process. Each exposure is roughly 15ms. Essentially, I get a high signal from the camera for the duration of the exposure, and during this time I need to have the LED on to light the target. The confusing part for me is that I need to turn on 4 different LEDs in succession. Let's call them A,B,C, and D. My initial thought was to use a decade counter (4017) and just have four outputs correspond to LEDs A,B,C, and D. The problem with that is the exposure signal goes high for each exposure, rather than one for the duration of all four LEDs. I then thought to use the exposure signal as an enable for the 4017, but I figured it would also be problematic.
I made a crude diagram of how it works.
I am leaning towards using an Arduino to handle the switching, but is there a circuit that can switch outputs given my situation?