I am trying to design a distributed amplifier in which the parasitic capacitances of a small-signal FET model are linked to inductors to form a distributed line across the drains and gates and I'm frustrated because nothing is matching what I expect from theory.
I know the characteristic impedance of my two lines should be sqrt(L/C) and I've chosen my values as such.. however I am still getting a ringing in my input impedances even when I just simulate a simple LC distributed circuit cell for a transmission line, and there is no real part as can be seen in the graph.
So my questions are - does the characteristic impedance calculation not work in AWR for a distributed element model of a transmission line?
If I measure the S(5,5) or S(1,1) it is resonant at DC, which makes sense because an inductor is a short at DC frequencies, but then what does the resonant frequency wc=1/sqrt(LC) mean and what is its significance in the AWR simulations?
Thanks for your time!
-- edit:
so the ultimate goal is the distributed amplifier as it appears below where this cell is repeated five times. The inductors add in series, so at the end there is another L/2 value inductor while between each cell the inductors are value L. The four ports are all terminated in a 50Ohm impedance. I simplified by taking out the fet small-signal model to inspect the input impedance.
By ringing I mean that the impedance value is purely imaginary and oscillates. I guess I'm not surprised that a few LC circuits are not giving an input impedance of sqrt(L/C) but I just can't justify to myself why they disobey this relationship because it should scale with length and number of cells.
I really apologize for the horrible screenshots, I have a cap on how many images I can post.
--edit So I realized I was plotting Z(1,1) instead of ZIN in AWR, which solves a lot of my issue understanding what I'm doing wrong. But thank you for your time and thoughts I really appreciate it!