
I'm trying to design a low-noise power supply for small-signal audio (+/-12-15V, ~1A). As part of this, I'm investigating advanced SMPS topologies like the SEPIC and Ćuk converters. Few controller/converter ICs mention support for these topologies in their datasheets, and the ones that do (such as the LM5001) seem to support a more common topology as well, usually boost. I also found an EE Times article on how to design a negative buck converter using a boost converter IC, and an app note that implements a buck-boost converter using a buck converter IC. What I have not found is a general list of which topologies are supported by each type of controller/converter. Thus, I have two questions:

  1. Can all converter ICs be used to implement multiple topologies?

  2. If so, which topologies are supported by each type of basic converter IC (buck, boost, etc.)?


1 Answer 1


An SMPS controller1 IC may support multiple converter topologies. But a single IC almost never supports all common converter types.

There is a family of converters derived from boost converter: flyback, SEPIC, boost proper. A controller that can do boost, usually can do the rest of the boost family too. Usually, one controller can't do both buck family and boost family.

1 SMPS controller IC drives external power switches. SMPS converter IC has power switches on board. Converter ICs tend to be less versatile than controllers.

  • \$\begingroup\$ So the difference in transfer functions doesn't matter? \$\endgroup\$
    – Adam Haun
    Commented Feb 22, 2016 at 21:06
  • \$\begingroup\$ Closed loop feedback adjusts to transfer function ( \$ \frac{1}{1-D} \$ for boost vs. \$ \frac{D}{1-D} \$ for SEPIC ). Although I suspect that feedback loop compensation (external to the IC) may be different. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Feb 22, 2016 at 21:28

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