I'm putting together a circuit using an OP27. I was not sure if the the TRIM pins of the OpAmps are allowed to float if no triming is required.
Would allowing the pins to float adversely affect the OpAmps operation?
I'm putting together a circuit using an OP27. I was not sure if the the TRIM pins of the OpAmps are allowed to float if no triming is required.
Would allowing the pins to float adversely affect the OpAmps operation?
By looking at the functional block diagram:
And reading page 14 in the datasheet:
The input offset voltage of the OP27 is trimmed at wafer level. However, if further adjustment of V OS is necessary, a 10 kΩ trim potentiometer can be used.
It appears that the OP27 can function with the trim pins unconnected, because they are not really floating.