I want sense a \$20\mathrm{kHz}\$ PWM signal from an electronic board. I want read this signal with "analogRead(A0)" function on my Arduino board. Therefore, I made a 1st order low pass filter that consists a resistor, capacitor and op amp buffer.
Firstly I produced a \$20\mathrm{kHz}\$ PWM signal from D9 pin of my Arduino. The duty cycle of PWM signal is fading with \$0\mathrm{\%}\$ and \$100\mathrm{\%}\$ continuously. The PWM generation code:
pwmWrite(led, brightness);
brightness = brightness + fadeAmount;
if (brightness == 0 || brightness == 255) {
fadeAmount = -fadeAmount ;
According to my calculations, for \$20\mathrm{kHz}\$ low pass filter, resistor should be \$82\mathrm{k\Omega}\$ and capacitor is \$100\mathrm{pF}\$.
But I used \$68\mathrm{k\Omega}\$ resistor because don't have \$82\mathrm{k\Omega}\$. In this case cut off frequency of low pass filter is being \$23\mathrm{kHz}\$. I read this signal from A0 pin with analogRead and ADC sampling. The reading code is:
int c;
long a;
for(c=0;c <32;c++) {
a += pwm_deger;
int f = a / 32;
I've added the results below. The figures are scaled in 0-1023 (Arduino's ADC value)
Figure 1 shows \$20\mathrm{kHz}\$ PWM signal that I want to test signal with fading from \$0\mathrm{\%}\$ to \$100\mathrm{\%}\$ duty cycle with \$200\mathrm{ms}\$.
Figure 2 shows LPF signal without buffer.
Figure 3 shows LPF signal from output of op amp buffer.
Is there any problem in figures? Why figure 2 shows 0.7 of 1023 and cutting after ADC value of 700. Is it because of the op amp?