I am attempting to use a DC-DC boost converter to step up a 7.2V battery to 24V to run a stepper motor, however, I am unsuccessful in doing so.
I have tested my stepper using a DC power supply set at 24V, and it runs beautifully. Yet the moment that I hook up the converter, my motor begins to skip steps left and right,even at very low speeds. I am watching the voltage output from my converter the whole time, and the needle never budges from 24V. I have the recommended electrolytic caps on both of them.
I did notice that the motor ran better (skipped less steps) when I put small ceramic decoupling caps across the motor driver. I suspect that interfering frequencies from the boost converter output and the chopper drive are causing my problems.
The components are an A4988 stepper driver on the breakout board from Pololu set at its max current of 2A and a LM2588 boost converter from TI, using a schematic designed by TI's Webbench software.