Why do I do it?
I have already lost track of how many years I have been thinking about this circuit and how many times I have explained it... and still do. And if someone asks me why I do it, I won't be able to answer them. The OP is long gone; new OPs have their own problems, and this one is unlikely to interest them. The chance to attract the attention of "those who know" and "those who can" is slim to none. So, my only hope remains future visitors to the site (EE archive of questions is a veritable treasury). Oh yes, there is one more reason to do it, and that is CircuitLab with its amazing capabilities...
The OP's problem
This rule tells me that I have to choose resistors R1 and R2 to meet the condition: (R1||R2) << h21e*Re. I don't understand the reasons for it.
For you to understand it, Mr. H&H should explain that through the voltage divider R1-R2 an imperfect voltage source is made with output resistance R1||R2 which is loaded by the input resistance h21*Re of an emitter follower. It should then reveal the problem. In practice, however, it turns out that there is none or it is insignificant. There would be a problem and it would be big if the divider directly fed the emitter resistor Re. But this is done through a transistor, which does some "magic" and increases Re a hundredfold. This should be well explained.
Building the circuit
I will disclose the idea in my favorite way - building the circuit step by step, and illustrating each step by CircuitLab experiments. I will explore the circuits in DC mode so you can observe the quantities through the measuring instruments and the DC Live Simulation (hovering the mouse over the circuit elements).
Voltage divider unloaded
First we obtain the input voltage using the voltage divider R1-R2; assume it is half of the supply voltage. We connect a voltmeter Vout to the divider output; its resistance is very high, so the divider is unloaded (open circuit).
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Voltage divider loaded
Then we connect a low-resistance (1 kΩ) load through an ammeter to the divider's output. It significantly loads the divider - the current approaches 1 mA and the voltage drops below 1 V.
simulate this circuit
Diode inserted
If we connect a diode in series with the load (to make a connection with the next step), the load voltage will drop by about 0.7 V.
simulate this circuit
Base-emitter junction inserted
The significant loading is undesirable because it changes Vout; we need to somehow reduce the impact of the load to the divider's output. We have two options - either significantly reduce R1 and R2 (to make the divider "harder") or significantly increase the load resistance RL. The former is not desirable because later we will apply an AC input voltage at the midpoint, and the input source will be loaded by the divider. The latter is directly infeasible but we can artificially increase the resistance with a clever idea with the figurative name "bootstrapping".
So, let's connect a transistor as an emitter follower but to see the meaning of this arrangement, let's initially disconnect the collector from Vcc. This configuration is no different from the above, except that the diode is replaced by the base-emitter junction; and the result is the same - a significant loading.
simulate this circuit
Transistor inserted
Real circuit: Connect the collector to Vcc, and you will see the magical effect of this connection. The transistor maintains almost the same voltage as the input across Re, but now the load consumes its current not from the divider's output but directly from Vcc. The current consumed from the divider is hundreds of times (h21 or β) less than before when the load was directly connected to the divider.
simulate this circuit
Equivalent circuit: As though a load with virtual resistance h21.Re is connected to the divider.
simulate this circuit
General idea
Let's finally bring this great bootstrapping idea to perfection in three steps:
Voltage source unloaded
Get a voltage source and connect to it a voltmeter through an ammeter. There is no current flowing through this "load" (open circuit).
simulate this circuit
Voltage source loaded
Then, connect a low-resistance load RL to the voltage source. As a result, a significant current flows through the load.
simulate this circuit
Virtual open circuit
By current source: Finally, connect a current source to the load and adjust the current so that the voltage across it is equal to the input voltage. As a result, no current flows through the ammeter; all the current is diverted through RL (Vin prevents it to flow through the ammeter). The input voltage source "has the feeling" that there is no load connected (virtual open circuit); it "sees" nothing.
simulate this circuit
Let's sweep V and IL...
simulate this circuit
... to see it graphically.
By voltage source in parallel: Of course, we can directly connect a voltage source in parallel to RL, and the result will be the same.
simulate this circuit
This arrangement was used in the 19th century to measure a voltage by an imperfect voltmeter (with low resistance). Let's try it by setting a 1 kΩ voltmeter resistance (open the voltmeter parameters window and set the resistance).
simulate this circuit
Let's now sweep V and VL...
simulate this circuit
... to see it graphically.
By voltage source in series: With the same success, we can connect the voltage source in series to RL. This is the classic bootstrapping arrangement.
simulate this circuit
With this trick, we can increase the op-amp input resistance up to infinity (to make it "ideal").
simulate this circuit
If we sweep V and VL...
simulate this circuit
... we will get the same graphical results as above.