I'm working with PIC12F629. It has 8 pins (6 for I/O). I need to use MCLR pin as input pin (for a button), so I have to disable MCLR (I guess).
After first programming I want to be able to program microcontroller again.
Datasheet says, that PIC12F629 supports:
"In-Circuit Serial ProgrammingTM (ICSPTM) via two pins"
I know, that there are LVP and HVP programming modes in PIC microcontrollers, and I probably have to use LVP, however I'm PIC newbie and I don't know if PicKit will just work with MCLR disconnected, or do I have to do something etc.
My question is:
How do I program PIC12F629 with PicKit3 when I need all 6 I/O pins (including MCLR)?