I'm taking a intro to ECE course as a CS student and for a final project we are to design a game coded in Verilog using the VGA display on a DE1-SoC board.
I decided to create a hangman game but I am stuck on how to display characters on the VGA screen. I've come up with three options: make the alphabet and underscores as images and upload them to the VGA display, use some sort of character buffer built in (I found info about that part online but I can't find any examples of using it) or just draw each character pixel by pixel.
The pixel by pixel way seems extremely complicated but at the same time, there are almost no resources that I could find about the other two methods. Can someone tell me which way would be the most efficient and easiest to work with for my game? We only really learned about displaying shapes in class but I'm not sure drawing each letter is the most efficient method.