A traducer's analog output is generated by its DAC as seen in the below plots. The plots are from the same data with increasing zoom. Plots obtained by using a DAQ. It seems like the DAC outputs 3 voltage values per second(see the last plot). But it is raw and not filtered and thus not smooth. It looks like this transducer doesn't filter/smooth the DAC output. It is in discrete steps not smooth as you see(created by samplehold of DAC).
I have couple of questions:
1-) Is a smoothing filter needed if I am only interested in the mean value of the voltages? Is filter only needed in applications like sound outputs?
2-) I'm sampling this DAC output by a DAQ device(sampling rate 500Hz) and obtain the below plots. What would you say about the noise here? Is that something to do with sampling rates or DAC being not smoothed?