For a circuit I'm building, I'm using an op-amp oscillator to generate a sine wave. The sine wave will have a maximum voltage of 1V and a minimum voltage of -1V. The circuit will be powered by a 9V battery, and I already have a selection of chips to pick from for converting 1V to -1V. How should I regulate 9V down to 1V? I'd rather not buy a chip to do this, as I'm pretty certain that I have everything I need.
If I use a voltage divider (with resistors) to generate 1V, can I then feed that into a voltage follower to eliminate the loading effects? The page mentions that doing so will produce stability issues, so I'm not sure.
Some details about my oscillator:
- It will be a sine wave
- I need at least 8 kHz. In the range of 8 to 10 kHz would be fine.
- I haven't drawn up the circuit yet, but I'm thinking of using a Wein bridge oscillator. I'll take other suggestions though, because I have never designed an oscillator before
- Powered by a 9V battery