I'm pretty new to electronics as a hobby - been picking it up on and off for the past 2 years or so - and there's always one thing i always stumble and doubt myself on, how do i select components?
For example, I am currently looking for triacs to switch mains AC voltages, I originally ordered some T3035H-6T
's but cancelled the order after seeing This question where the asker (seemingly trying to accomplish the same goal) has decided to use BT136
's, which made me doubt my decision.
I have done the same before when buying Mosfets, and basically any transistor i have ever gone to use, is there are real, tangible difference when selecting components like this? when i look at the datasheets for the respective components i am seeing little difference between the two (obviously this wont apply across the board, but for the pair i have given as examples), does this mean they are basically a pair of components that are freely interchangeable between?
Am i being stupid and reading the datasheets wrong, or are my assumptions correct?