I am trying to boost audio signal from around 3V to around 60V for a piezo element with a component as small as possible.
I found audio transformer MET-23 that reflects 1.6 kOhm impedance on primary when there is 3.2 Ohm load on seconday (http://www.tamuracorp.com/clientuploads/pdfs/engineeringdocs/MET-23.pdf). Music player says that the impedance should be 32 Ohm.
This is my train of thought: I was planning to hook up the transformer backwards to boost the voltage. Piezo element which acts like a capacitor produces capacitive reactance which is xc=1/(2*pifC) where f=1kHz (sound average frequency). Secondary impedance should be then |sec coil inductance - piezo capacitance| (if I don't count the resistance). That impedance should reflect on the primary so primary impedance is sec impedance*(1/22,4)^2. If the primary impedance is below 32 Ohm then I can just add a capacitor to primary.
Is this correct way to do it?