I have troubles understanding the way the circuit below is solved. I figured out that the solution is: $$ V_+=\frac{R_2}{R_1+R_2}V_1 \\ V_a=\frac{R_3+R_4}{R_4}V_+ $$ But what is actually the reason that R2 is not considered when calculating V_a? After all V_a=V_3+V_2 forms a mesh right? So the solution would be: $$ V_a=\frac{R_3+R_4||R_2}{R_4||R_2}V_+ $$ I know that is wrong, but I can't grasp why. As V+=V- isn't R4 in parallel to R2? Probably I am not understanding something basic. Can someone help me out?
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab