I am doing a project that requires me to use a BMP085 (with breakout) and a humidity/temperature sensor (with Breakout).
I am trying to attach both of these to the arduino uno through two analog inputs (they both use an I2C bus). I need to know how they will be hooked-up and how they can be programed. Both sensors have a sample code for finding the values individually (the humidity/temperature sensor also has a library).
I am currently trying to simly attach the two SDA and SCL inputs and placing them in the correct place for the arduino Wire library but I cannot figure out how to make sure the code works. I would like to avoid using 2 arduinos and I only have 1 extra analog input after the 2 I2C pins are placed in A4 and A5. The only digital inputs are the ones needed for ardumoto.
In the final code, I need to find humidity, temperature, and pressure (it would be best if I could get three methods to do this).
It has a 4-pin interface that can communicate directly with the analog pins on the Arduino.
However, the pins it is referring to are I2C interface connections, which is a purely digital protocol. Furthermore, to make it work with the easily available arduino libraries, it has to be the hardware I2C interface pins, which they don't bother to mention. \$\endgroup\$