I'm just trying to understand if my thinking is correct here. A "regular" ADC in my mind would have a number of quantization levels. Say 16 bits gives me 65535 levels, if I divide into my input voltage range I'll get a number in millivolts for each step. So for a 0-1V input range I get 0.015mV per step.
If my input voltage of my signal was only 0.5V I'd be throwing away half of the levels I could be using and losing accuracy I could have had.
Does this same thinking hold true for a 16 bit Delta Sigma, can I still think of it in terms of quantization levels of 0.015mV even though it's being converted into a train of pulses and then decimated?
Would they both have the same level of accuracy? Would the Delta Sigma be more immune to noise and so have a higher accuracy?
I've never used one before so I was reading up on them today.