The new processors are all 3.3V and dropping. So while I am used to 5V arduinos being able to power the gate of a MOSFET, at least most of the way, this is not going to be true any more. And for an IRF630, someone pointed out that I really need to drive the gate to 10V to get the rated on-resistance. So what's the canonical way to do this? Do I have a 10V power supply, and drop the voltage for the processor, have a charge pump that generates the 10V from 3.3V? The current will be very small, because the gate has massive impedance.
Finally, assuming the 10V power supply, what's a good way to switch that voltage to the gate? Do I have to use a small junction transistor because I don't have the voltage to switch a MOSFET?
The junction transistor is shown in this solution: Multiplying the voltage of an output pin on an Arduino board
I'm just asking if there is another way.