Below you will find a link to the datasheet for 74HC4050N. My order I placed had a suffix of ",652" on that part, but I'm not sure what that number refers to.
I'm trying to level shift a 5V data input to 3.3V output with this component. Most level shifters that I've found in the past have two VCC pins. One for each specific voltage. This looks like the VCC pin will take -0.5V to +7V. So I'm not sure what voltage I should connect. The -0.5V confused me.
Also, the A pins and Y pins have a Low and a High, I think. So I'm not sure how those should be used either, and what pins signifies an actual channel.
Here's ultimately what I'm after:
I have my Arduino with a TX pin and Rx pin. Then I have a module needing 3.3V and has TX and RX pins as well. However, I read that I need to level shift these two pins since the Arduino is 5V, and doesn't match the module (3.3V).
PS: I'm not an electrical engineer, so this may sound trivial.