I am trying to control LEDs brightness using PWM on the Atmega32. I have one LED connected to each of the 4 PWM pins (OC0, OC1A, OC1B, and OC2). Using the code below, all of the LEDs are functioning as expected except the LED connected to OC1A which is remaining dark. Why is this the case? Thank you for your assistance.
#define F_CPU 100000UL
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
void InitPWM()
TCCR0 |= (1<<WGM00)|(1<<WGM01)|(1<<COM01)|(1<<CS00);
TCCR1A |= (1<<WGM00)|(1<<WGM01)|(1<<COM01)|(1<<CS00);
TCCR1B |= (1<<WGM00)|(1<<WGM01)|(1<<COM01)|(1<<CS00);
TCCR2 |= (1<<WGM00)|(1<<WGM01)|(1<<COM01)|(1<<CS00);
int main(void)
//Configure the ADC
ADCSRA |= 1<<ADPS2; //Enable a prescaler
ADMUX |= 1<<ADLAR; //8-bit or 10-bit results
ADMUX |= 1<<REFS0;
ADCSRA |= 1<<ADIE; //Enable interrupts function in ADC
ADCSRA |= 1<<ADEN; //Turn on the ADC feature
sei(); //Enable global interrupts
ADCSRA |= 1<<ADSC; //Start the first conversion
DDRB = 0xFF; // initialize port B
DDRD = 0xFF; // initialize port D
InitPWM(); //initialize PWM mode
OCR0 = 100;
OCR1A = 100;
OCR1B = 100;
OCR2 = 100;
OCR0 = 255;
OCR1A =255;
OCR1B = 255;
OCR2 = 255;
ISR(ADC_vect) // interrupt routine and display the results
char adcResult[4];
itoa(ADCH, adcResult, 10);
ADCSRA |= 1<<ADSC; //Start the next conversion