I'm learning boost circuit and I'm a trying to get a 50~100v voltage output from 3~5v input and 30kHz PWM using boost circuit.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
(Using transistor as a switch and diode)
The simulation seems to work, however the real circuit only generate a 10~12v output..
Plus, I'm using arduino to generate a near 32kHz PWM Input with near 90% duty cycle. And it seems to have some problem, too.
void loop() {
digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(9, LOW);
(I also tried to change the built in timer and analogWrite, but it cannot generate a PWM with duty cycle greater then 50%. I've no idea about it..)
PS: I'm using this calculator to get the requirements of Inductor and Cap.
Update: I've tried a smaller inductor(470uH) with a higher PWM frequency (125kHz, using another Arduino, using build-in timer). And get only 4.5v on output...