I need a remote-controlled (wireless) power supply, outputting between 0 and 10 volts and 0 and 2 amps, preferably DC. It should take 110v/120v AC as input. Its voltage should be controllable with a wireless remote control.
Does anyone know how to find such a device, or implement it simply?
I looked at LED power supplies, but they all appear to be constant voltage power supplies, which is not really what I need; this power supply heats an incandescent filament. Thus it seems I would rather have variable voltage, not variable current. Perhaps I should just add a resistor and convert this current source to a voltage source.
It could also be a DC power supply that uses a fiber-optic for communication/control (but I have not found any). It could also be a DC power supply that is programmable via some interface which can be converted to fiber optic or infrared wireless.
I want this DC power supply remote-controlled because it is going to be held at a local ground of 1000V (inside a metal cage), so this DC power supply cannot be touched by hand (resulting in shock). It will be fed power from an isolation transformer, and held at 1000 volts local ground by a high-voltage power supply.
Application: The output of the DC power supply (1000 volts, and 1000 volts + Vdc) will heat a filament in vacuum, thereby creating effectively a hot, charged cathode that forcefully radiates positively-charged ions from residual gas in the vacuum.