I had a nice Wega V3840-2 audio amplifier, but sadly, it broke. During my attempts to test what was wrong, a diode, attached to the heat sink, failed with a nice whiff of magic smoke. According to the Kundendienstanleituing (user service manual), this particular diode is a SV04F. I cannot check the markings on diode itself, since it's embedded in epoxy in a little clamp that attaches it to the heat sink. I cannot find this particular diode at my local stores, so my question is, what can I use to replace it?
For your convencience, I also added part of the schematic. The top rail is +32V (also the leftmost connection coming from above), the bottom rail -32V. The connection center left is the actual audio signal, the output on the right goes to the speakers.
The failed diode is D201, that's attached to the heat sink of T210 (which is in turn attached to the main heat sink of all four final stage transistors).
Note about the circumstances it broke under for those interested: I replaced T210 and T211 with a BD2430 and BD244C in an earlier attempt to fix the amplifier (see first link of this post). I now realise that the trafo is set for 220V even though we have 230V these days, perhaps I'll set it for 240V. Other than that, I still don't know how or why my amp is no longer working...