I have a lamp, with the usual built-in switch, which is powered via a wall-mounted socket. The socket is switched itself with a normal wall switch. So, both switches operate in series, the lamp lights only if both switches are on.
I am looking for a way to flexibly switch the lamp on and off: from the lamp switch regardless of the wall switch and vice versa.
I am thinking about replacing both switches with push-buttons which would power the wires, execept one button is pressed. Then I would need some device the lamp which is able to detect a button push (voltage drop), to survive the short power outage while in operation and to actually switch the lamp.
Any ideas how such a device could look like?
I have rather limited space in the lamp body for installing additional components. I am in Europe with 230V AC. I have no means of adding another wire between the two switches due to in-wall mounting of the cable between socket and wall switch.
I am prepared to build something myself, just don't know in which direction to think.