I'm a hobbyist and I'm designing a PCB in Eagle that include micro controller and RF receiver and transmitter, 2 modules of 433mhz and 2 of 315mhz,
I have a defined place on the PCB of 10x50 mm for the 433mhz antenna, and another 10x50mm for the 315mhz.
I searched the entire web and could not find a design, I created a simple doodle of antenna (i have no experience in antenna design... and this might be horribly wrong)
So this question is for the experienced ones out there:
How should a 433mhz trace antenna look like in 10x50mm space?
How should a 315mhz trace antenna look like in 10x50mm space?
I uploaded a picture of what i got so far.
Thanks for the help!