I have a 48v battery powered system is charged by normal lead acid charger that might reach up to 14.5v and maybe 15v per battery ( total 58v to 60v ). The circuit contains components rated for 75v and 100v . As everyone else i get confused by the various ratings and how they are related to my needs:
1. reverse standoff voltage
2. break down voltage
3. maximum clamping voltage
I would like to know which TVS fits 48v circuit (voltage rating wise):
from littel fuse 1.5KE series I cut this image :
my first impression is to use the 1.5KE68A because the reverse stand-off voltage is approximately equal to maximum Vcc, but the maximum clamping voltage is way above the 75v rating of the regulator. Even the 1.5ke56 has clamping voltage of 77v.
Question:Which TVS should i choose ? or is this a limitation of TVS and i should consider other type of clamping ?
Note for whom might consider this a duplicate: i check 3 posts on this site but have not found the right answer.