One reason may have to do with the circuit around the capacitors, not the capacitors themselves. Until (circa) 1980, most power supplies were operating at mains frequency (50 or 60 Hz), using a large filter capacitor after the diode bridge, and a linear post-regulator, using some more capacitors at mostly DC, with only a mall AC component. Not much trouble caused by RMS current within the capacitors, and (very) low ESR wasn't a big concern because even with a high-ish internal resistance, capacitors would not heat up much just by themselves.
Later, switch-mode power supplies (and post-regulators, including point-of-load step-down converters) became more and more popular, and they put a much larger RMS current on the capacitors they use. Therefore, the right choice of capacitors became more and more important, and unwise design decisions mattered more. Also, with miniaturization, more components end up in smaller enclosures, making heat dissipation more critical. The smaller you build your device, the harder it becomes to separate hot components from heat-sensitive capacitors. A small (5 mm diameter) 10 µF / 16 V capacitor rated at 2000 h / 105 °C next to a big heat sink? Bad idea. A large (25 mm diameter) 47 µF / 400 V capacitor rated at 5000 h / 105 °C placed in cool spot of your switching power supply? Might never even become a noticeable problem.
Also, for a while, circuits may have demanded more than what advances in capacitor technology could keep up with. Designers may not have been aware of the importance of IRMS ratings and internal heating. Add in the constant pressure to save pennies on any component, consider the fact that capacitors tend to be your more expensive components, conclude that this makes caps a focus area when it comes to penny-counting, and you have a good explanation.
So, to be fair, it's not only the caps, it's also the overall design and the caps' application in more and more demanding circuits.
That being said, I have happily used some devices with commercial switching power supplies for years without problems, and I have also replaced a fair amount of capacitors (dated from the late 70ies, for example, in stuff like high-quality reel-to-reel tape recorders or test and measurement equipment).
Then, ceramic capacitors are catching up. Before circa 2005, 22 µF at 25 V in a 1206 SMD package were uncommon. Today, you can use them instead of electrolytic caps or tantalum types, and not even spend more money. This makes it possible to make very good overall design decicions: Avoid tantalum caps (because they are very sensitive to current or voltage spikes, even very tiny ones. Use electorlytic caps only when you need much capacitance, and when you are able to choose large cans which typically have a much longer useful life. Take good ceramic caps for everything else.