I'm looking for some circuit design tips to design a LED board with a built-in strobe feature, something like this:
- 16x high power leds (250 mA max, Vf ~ 3.2V)
- 24V power supply
- One 24V input for low power constant operation (let's say 50 mA, total 800 mA)
- One 24V input for strobe operation (at the full 250 mA, total 4 A)
- Charge rate limitation for the strobe capacitors (let's go with 1 A total input current)
My initial I-dont-really-know-what-I'm-doing kind of thought is just to have two constant current led drivers, each set at the proper current, and just have the inputs drive those. One would have to be driven through a timer to limit the strobe time, maybe a 555 would do the trick?
Stuff I figure I need to consider:
- The capacitor stuff for providing the strobe power is not something I really know much about.
- The case where the board is in constant operation and charging the caps at the same time. (I guess charge rate for the caps should be 200 mA max)
- What happens if both inputs are on? The strobe input probably has to suppress the other input.
- And what happens if the strobe gets triggered before the caps are charged?
- Do I need to discharge the caps when power is lost?
- I've also considered just throwing a small PIC on there.
Lots of fun stuff to consider!
Another possibility might be if I could vary the value of the led driver's sense resistor. Not sure if that's possible or not.
So, as you can see I have no clue about this stuff. I suppose I could just have someone that works with this stuff design it for me, but where's the fun in that! Any suggestions where to start?