I'm trying to make a connector for a box of devices that have an Micro USB 3.0 input. The box is just a few physical connectors, no USB hub is planned.
But no matter how I try to connect the devices, it detects them as USB 2.0.
If I use a direct USB-A to Micro 3.0 cable, it detects them as proper USB 3.0.
I cannot use an USB hub because of bandwidth, I need separate USB channels, all of them go to a dedicated root hub on the motherboard.
I tried two approaches: first cut of the A plug from a USB 3.0 A-Micro cable and solder a female USB B 3.0 to that end:
Did not connect one pin as it was an OTG detect pin that did not even have a wire in the cable.
This detects as USB 2.0
Second, I tried to make a board with 3.0 female-female A-B, so I can connect a USB A-B cable from one end and a USB A-Micro cable from the other end.
This unfortunately also detects as USB 2.0.
From what I'm guessing, I have to exchange the SSTX+/SSTX-/SSRX+/SSRX- wires somehow. I tried to change some pairs, but wasn't able to find the proper combination.
This is what I tried, the two above methods on one board. Not too perfect solder, but electrically it was OK.