
I build a Keil project for my STM32F103 MCU with STM32CubeMx.

My goal is use the TIM1 channel 2 for control a Buzzer. I want to generate a PWM at 4KHz through TIM1 channel 2. I configured, with STM32CubeMx, the TIM1_Channel2 as "PWM Generator CH2".

The problem regards the debug session. In particular, when I start the debug session and when the MCU executes the macro "__HAL_AFIO_REMAP_TIM1_ENABLE()" the debug session crash.

This is the timer initialisation code generated by STM32CubeMx:

void HAL_TIM_MspPostInit(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim)

  GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct;
  /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM1_MspPostInit 0 */

  /* USER CODE END TIM1_MspPostInit 0 */

    /**TIM1 GPIO Configuration   
    PE11     ------> TIM1_CH2
    GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_11;
    GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
    GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW;
    HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOE, &GPIO_InitStruct);


  /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM1_MspPostInit 1 */

  /* USER CODE END TIM1_MspPostInit 1 */


This issue is related to Timer1 pin full remap.

Anyone have the same issue?


=== UPDATE ===

Finally I found some time to test the solution proposed by @SamGibson an it works! And thanks to @Rafiq Rahman for his code!

Thanks guys for your time!

This is the code that I used to remap the TIM1 and maintain the ability to generate the code with the Stm32CubeMX.

  /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM1_MspPostInit 0 */
  #define __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_TIM1_ENABLE()  (0)
  /* USER CODE END TIM1_MspPostInit 0 */

    /**TIM1 GPIO Configuration    
    PE11     ------> TIM1_CH2 
    GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_11;
    GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;
    GPIO_InitStruct.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_LOW;
    HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOE, &GPIO_InitStruct);


  /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM1_MspPostInit 1 */
  /* Make a copy of AFIO register */
  volatile uint32_t afioRegisterCopy = AFIO->MAPR;

  /* Clear Timer1 remap bits and + JTAG/SWD bits */
  afioRegisterCopy &= ~((7 << 24) + (3 << 6));

  /* To perform a full remap Timer1, bit 6-7 of 
     AFIO->MAPR must be set. Mask is 3 (11b)    */
  afioRegisterCopy |= (3 << 6);

  /* Apply the new register configuration*/
  AFIO->MAPR = afioRegisterCopy; 
  /* USER CODE END TIM1_MspPostInit 1 */

2 Answers 2


STM32F103 [...] STM32CubeMx [...] when I start the debug session and when the MCU executes the macro "__HAL_AFIO_REMAP_TIM1_ENABLE()" the debug session crash.

I don't use the STM32CubeMX HAL, but I can explain the issue and the workaround.

The problem is that the STM32F1 series has one register AFIO_MAPR which contains the settings for remapping various peripherals and for enabling/disabling the JTAG/SWD connection to your debugger. And to make this more complicated, the bits in that register which enable/disable the JTAG/SWD settings (bits 24-26) are write-only so their existing state cannot be read.

See this extract from the STM32F1 Reference Manual:

Extract from STM32F1 Reference Manual

This means that any attempt to change the settings of the various "peripheral remap" bits, by doing a read-modify-write sequence to this register, could read different values instead of the real current values in the JTAG/SWD bits. Then, when the write to the register is done, your debugger access stops because whatever was read from those JTAG/SWD bits, is written back to them. (Other effects have also been reported, but I won't go into that now).

From what I could find without installing the HAL, the macros used are:


and MODIFY_REG is:


So as you see, MODIFY_REG is doing a read-modify-write and you don't know what values it will read from JTAG/SWD bits 24-26 and hence what values it will write back to there! The values read from those bits are "undefined" (to quote ST) and I know I have read different values from the same STM32F1 at different times.

The "fix" I have used with the SPL, is to change any remapping code to specifically set the JTAG/SWD bits which you want, whenever you write to the AFIO_MAPR register. You will need to figure out how you want to do the same with the HAL code. One way is to use a temporary variable so, from memory, the sequence becomes:

  • Read AFIO_MAPR register into temp variable
  • Change desired peripheral remap bits in the temp variable
  • Mask out bits 24-26 in the temp variable
  • Set bits 24-26 in the temp variable to whatever I wanted (therefore ignoring whatever their, likely incorrect, "read" value was)
  • Write temp variable to AFIO_MAPR

Thankfully ST changed to a better register arrangement in later STM32 models (e.g. STM32F4).

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Thanks for your reply. Great explanation! Unfortunately my works is changed towards an high priority project. When I solved the problem I switch back to Timer1 Problem. Thanks Again \$\endgroup\$
    – Federico
    Commented Oct 6, 2016 at 7:32

Here is a working piece of code to illustrate the steps proposed by @SamGibson. It works for me like a charm. First thing to do is to comment out the __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_TIM1_ENABLE(); in stm32f1xx_hal_msp.c and fill in with the remap code as follow:


/* USER CODE BEGIN TIM1_MspPostInit 1 */

volatile uint32_t map_copy = AFIO->MAPR;

map_copy &= ~((7 << 24) + (3 << 6)); // Clear desired bitfields + debug bits

// 5(101b) shifted left 24 for CoreSight SW-DP (What Keil Ulink2 and St-LinkV2
//use for debugging in either Keil IDE or SW4STM32 IDE)

// The (3 << 6) is me wanting to fully remap the TIM1 AF pins for 
//Complementary PWM Generation

map_copy |= (5 << 24) + (3 << 6);

AFIO->MAPR = map_copy;

/* USER CODE END TIM1_MspPostInit 1 */

Just be on the lookout for other MspPostInit calls...



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