Removing leadless packages is easy with a good hot air station. To speed removal up, it helps to set the temperature high - I work around 420 to 480 deg C. Don't worry about overheating it: You're not often bothered with saving a dead part and a voltage regulator is cheap, anyway. Also, I set airflow rate to near maximum. I choose a nozzle which covers the chip entirely. If such a nozzle does not exist (i.e. the chip is too big - I had to remove a 208 pin TQFP once) I work around the edges of the chip until it shows signs of moving. If the nozzle does cover the chip, I just put it over, wait a few seconds and the chip will usually come off when you remove the nozzle. Remove it quickly or the solder may solidify and stick to the board.
Be careful with hot air, as it will often remove other components. 0603's don't stand a chance if exposed for more than a few seconds and then you'll have to solder more.
My hot air station is built into my soldering station, an Aoyue 968. But you can get a cheaper hot air only station. Dave Jones of EEVBlog did a review of one recently.