To practise designing schematics (and possibly making it too), I have designed a simple AVR based blinker assuming it is already preprogrammed. The schematic is here:
I've seen many Atmega/arduino like schematics all quite different, some place the decoupling capacitor separately (as I have tried to see how it looked), brought the crystal down as I have to easier define the capacitors or even separate it in to nets all together.
The batteries here in this case are battery holders and have their own defined pcb size.
My main question would be: What would my schematic look like to a professional in the field? Ignoring maybe subtle things (PE is not GND? however is the only symbol that looks gndish) does it look like a schematic that is publishable?
I have considered putting the decoupling cap right of the battery holders, although was not sure whether to take away from that (4 columns of components!) or just add it in since it is very simple. What is your critique?
I have completed the power supply, and cleaned up much of the text and connections (it is likely a thumbnail, you can view the image directly for larger.)
I believe I have fixed some simple things such as the pullup resistor.
I am unsure if the text should be anywhere specific (I had put it in the "info" layer as to not be green and made it in an appropriate place) and I believe labelling the power supply is all that is needed, as the mainboard is obvious.
I may need to try setting nets so the power supply is connected to the +5V rail, It may be already however there are quite a few ERC/DRC errors in the PCB view so I will look at that next.
I found as well I can export it as a monochrome image, and it removes all of the position indicators/grid and other noise. I am quite satisfied.
Is there anything that sticks out?