I am trying to understand AM modulation at circuit level.
As per theoretical framework, we have to multiply \$V_{G2}(t)\$, \$V_{G1}(t)\$, so that frequency shifting happens at carrier frequency, i.e., convolution in frequency domain.
Now as per the above circuit, using superposition, I can calculate the \$V_{out}\$ as \$V_{out} = R_1 \cdot V_{G2}(t) + R_2\cdot V_{G1}(t)\$, where \$R_1\$, \$R_2\$ are real valued and they are function of resistors, capacitors, and transconductance.
I am confused on how the circuit is multiplying the two voltages, it looks like the circuit is adding the two voltages, whereas it should multiply as per AM modulation. I am not clear on what's the purpose of \$C_3\$ and \$R_2\$.