I recently started working on a project in which I am using an ESP8266 to receive data from my computer or mobile phone. I do the following to set my ESP8266 as a server.
AT+CWMODE=2 //makes the module a AP
AT+CIPMUX=1 //enables multiple connections (needed for the next command)
AT+CIPSERVER=1,80 //starts a server and opens port 80
Now, incomming requests (going to the modules ip-adress in a webbrowser) will be send through the modules serial out:
IPD,0,412:GET /index.php HTTP/1.1
Host: 192.168/4.1
My only issue is that the webbrowser will keep on loading, because it is not getting any response from the server it is trying to reach. I would like the module to be able to send an 'OK' back to the computer so it knows it doesn't have to resend its data. I have tried using
but I haven't got any luck so far..
Does anyone know how this could be done?