I'm sure this has been covered but I am not finding answers to what I am looking for. Just getting back into electronics after well over a decade...so I'm a bit rusty. :)
What I need is a 100 LED sequence broken down into 20, 5 LED segments, with LEDs lit in pairs as they chase. Ideally 1/2 on, 3/4/5 off...1 off, 2/3 on, 4/5 off...1/2 off, 3/4 on, 5 off...1/2/3 off, 4/5 on. Something like that (visually represented below). Always 2 LEDs lit and 3 unlit for each 5 LED segment. I've broken out my old lab kit (was shocked at the amount of dust on it) and to my surprise I found my packet of first gen blue LEDs. I remember having to special order them and they cost me $10 each. That'll tell you how long it's been. But I have all manner of parts and was hoping that using a 555 and 4017 (I have a tonne of these) as well as some combination of transistors or inverters is what I'm looking at here. Chances are I have the parts on hand already. But I'm straining my brain trying to figure out a workable and SIMPLE circuit that can drive that many LEDs in the pattern I'm seeking. Bonus if I can regulate the speed of the chase.
Any advice, input or thoughts is GREATLY appreciated.