One of my labs for my computer science hardware organization class has us designing a simple memory circuit. It uses RAM memory with 16 4-bit values. The description is as follows:
"Build a circuit in Logisim that writes the sequence of values 0x0 to 0xf to memory, as shown in Figure 2. The value 0x0 should first be written to the first memory location, then the value 0x1 to the second memory location, and so on. Your circuit should allow the user to reset the counters anytime (via a button). In addition, the circuit should stop writing values to memory after it has already written all memory locations exactly once."
My problem is with the final part, stopping the writing after all locations have been written. My circuit iterates through filling the sports 0x0 to 0xf but then continues and overwrites the current values due to the clock. I have provided a picture of my Logisim layout and I was hoping someone could help me fix this.