I am trying to use Spartan 3E kit to generate 50 MHz clock. The kit comes along with a 50 MHz crystal which I am trying to use.
So, I wrote a simple code to output the clock from the FPGA to the SMA connector. The code is as follows:
module clock (in_clock, out_clock);
input in_clock;
output out_clock;
wire in_clock;
reg out_clock;
always @in_clock
out_clock = in_clock;
The UCF file which mentions the pin configuration is as follows:
NET "in_clock" LOC = C9;
NET "out_clock" LOC = A10;
The output waveform of the 50 MHz clock looks like the following. The waveform is of 50 MHz but I do not get square pulses. In addition to that, the voltage level is too small (<10 mV). Can someone please tell me where the problem could be? 50 MHz clock http://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/student/~neelsmehta/2012-02-23%2011.08.20.jpg