I have a stepper connected to a leadscrew, on which is situated a nut somehow connected to a load, along with linear bearings -- so a typical linear-actuation setup. I'm using a commonplace A4988 module (along with an Atmega328 MCU on Arduino) to drive the stepper.
What are the primary things I should do with a stepper motor setup to make the load move as fast as possible?
I'm guessing at least some of the following are useful:
Applying the maximum voltage that the stepper and driver are specified to handle: I am applying pretty close to the maximum already.
Increasing the pulse frequency in my code: I did this up to a point, but beyond a certain point, I start to hear a strange high-pitched sound.
Use a stepper with higher torque specification: I'm assuming this by itself won't make the steppper go faster but, for a given load, it will help in not skipping steps at high speeds.
Some other motor-specifications or driver-specifications that I should take into account when selecting a stepper or driver to purchase?